Foot Reflexology Therapy

Our whole body is reflected in our feet. Feet clearly show how a person is doing. In the body, everything is connected through the nerve pathways, connective tissue, lymph and blood.
In Foot Reflexology, all organs, tissues and body parts are connected to reflex points on the feet, lower legs, hands and forearms. These are divided into zones, which correspond to the corresponding parts of the body. By massaging the reflex zones, we stimulate the organs, tissues and body parts. As a result, complaints can naturally improve or even disappear.


Foot ReflexPlus Massage stimulates the self-healing capacity of the body and thus brings natural relief to many complaints. It is a safe method in which not only the complaints, but also the cause of the complaints is addressed. Foot Reflexology Massage brings body and mind back into balance. It stimulates good circulation and energy flow in organs and tissues. It also improves lymphatic circulation, allowing waste products to be better disposed of and nutrients to be better supplied. Foot ReflexPlus Massage works preventively for the maintenance of health and vitality and it works to support chronic diseases. It stimulates the underactive and calms the overactive systems, balancing the body. All this together ensures that Foot Reflexology Massage can provide relief for very many different complaints. In addition, this massage provides deep relaxation!


Foot ReflexPlus is very effective for:

  • Flu/cold
  • Heel spur / Achilles tendon problems
  • Hormonal complaints, including menstrual or transitional problems
  • Airway problems
  • Edema
  • Relaxation
  • Inflammations
  • Restless legs
  • Sleep problems
  • Muscle cramp
  • Digestive complaints
  • Stress or burn out
  • Urinary problems
  • Increasing resistance
  • Fatigue
  • Pregnancy complaints

In addition, there are numerous conditions in which Foot ReflexPlus Massage can be used. Ask for the possibilities!

Should I deem it necessary, I will refer you to your GP or a medical specialist.


Recovery after a viral infection with Foot Reflexology Massage

  After going through a viral infection, one can sometimes maintain symptoms for a long time. The most common complaints are severe fatigue and persistent shortness of breath. Some suffer from headaches, stomach complaints, chest pain, memory loss and concentration problems. Currently, there is a lot of attention to this because it occurs regularly after going through a Covid infection. However, these symptoms can also occur after Pfeiffer's disease, Q fever, Lyme disease, herpes virus, chronic fatigue syndrome CFS etc.

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