Swedish Massage


A Swedish Massage is a relaxing body massage in which the masseur works exclusively with the hands. Within Swedish Massage, it is not common to massage with the forearms and/or elbows as well. Six techniques can be used, namely effleurages (strokes), petrissages (kneading), frictions (frictions, firm massage on one spot), tapotements (plucking movements), vibrations (fine vibrations) and shaking.

During the Swedish Massage, blood circulation is stimulated and waste products trapped in your muscles are removed. These leave your body through the bloodstreams and lymph. Also, the absorption of nutrients in the muscles is promoted. Knots are removed from the muscles. Blood flow is promoted and tired and tense muscles are relieved. You feel the tensions disappear and a sense of peace takes its place. This inner peace in turn strengthens the self-healing capacity of your body.


Swedish Massage is suitable for everyone. If you suffer from pain or blockages, the massage can relieve or eliminate them. If you need some relaxation, a massage can help. This form of massage is a blessing for the body!

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